About us
Share The Love. It’s Rewarding
FAVEme has, and always will be, ‘all about sharing’: When a FAVEme friend has shared something with you, or you with them, you’re both now ‘friends’ with each other on the App. Our patented ‘everything I get, you get and everything you get, I get’ system means that you receive all the great offers your friend receives, and they receive all of yours too, automatically. So the more friends you actively share gifts with, the more ‘FAVE friends’ you’ll collect on the App, and the more gifts you’ll get back, automatically, every time they get a new great gift.
That’s why, at FAVEme, we say “Sharing is Karma”. The more you share, the more get back. So go ahead: Share the Love. It’s Rewarding.
Our FAVE Values
We believe in sharing, and community. We love that our local businesses are the backbone of our communities and that FAVEme users get to share great deals with their friends – supporting both our communities of customers, and the community of businesses that support them – and on whose support they rely upon, too.
Local business owners have a hard enough time in the best of times. Their businesses didn’t “magically appear” one day: They have built them up with endless effort and care, every day – risking everything they have to build something worthwhile and enduring for them, their families, and their community. So when we see other Predatory web services who either gouge a restaurant for 30% of menu costs to deliver a meal – and keep the customer’s information to themselves, or ‘discount’ services who squeeze businesses into providing services at 30% of revenue, to pass on ‘magical’ deals to customers – who move on to the next deal like locusts… When we see those companies do this to local businesses and claim that they are ‘supporting the community’ when in fact raping business owners, it makes us mad as hell. Be Nice, Share the Love. How hard is that? That’s why, when we deliver a brand new customer to a local business, or business of any size, we don’t demand 30% of their revenue. We don’t squeeze them down to an offer at 30% of their prices. We bill them a buck. $1. That’s all. Because it’s enough for us, and it’s better for them. Because we share the love, too.
We don’t just say stuff. We live it. At home, and at the company. We are Here to Help. To Share. To Enjoy. If you join our team, we share our success with you. When we go home from our day, we do so smiling. And when we head into the office the next day, we’re smiling again, too. Our fervent hope is that our company makes businesses smile, and customers happy. And that everyone can enjoy Sharing the Love as much as we do.